We are pleased to announce that all of our products are now gluten-free for you to enjoy, so whether you suffer from coeliac disease, gluten allergy or are looking for a healthier alternative Mash Direct offers an extensive range of delicious gluten-free products.
No longer do you have to avoid crumbed products for fear of gluten, as we produce yummy Potato Croquettes and Vegetable Burgers which use a combination of rice flour and gram flour instead of normal gluten-containing wheat flour.
All of our products undergo testing by a Coeliac Society approved laboratory before they are accredited with gluten-free status. Once approved, each product is eligible to carry the cross grain symbol which bears a code unique to the product denoting its individual gluten-free status.
Our fabulous NPD (New Product Development) boffins have worked hard to ensure that all of our products are gluten-free without compromising on the taste or texture so we hope you enjoy them!
If you would like to find out more about coeliac disease visit the websites of Coeliac UK or Coeliac Ireland at